dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Überschreiben?",0 ;Overwrite Mode? Instead of insertion
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$5d,'W',"Ringbuffer?",0 ;Warp around Buffer? The buffer & tab expansion warp around at each end, i.e. continue at the other end
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Mit Makro schließen?",0 ;Smart Close(*) Invoke a macro to close the window (Shortcut removed)
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Vorsichtig schließen?",0 ;Safer Close Inhibit closes by the gadget if more than one process is in the window
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Nur Eingaben ausschneiden?",0 ;Cut Inputs Only Ignore DOS output in the block operations. It gets cut, but is never put to the clipboard
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$5d,'P',"Aufbauverzögerung?",0 ;Rebuild Delay Allow ViNCEd to do the window refresh later to speed up output ?
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Automatisch kopieren?",0 ;Auto Copy Copy the block automatically if it got marked, like under unix.
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Cursorsteuerung mit ALT?",0 ;Alternate Movement Use ALT+Up/Down to move the cursor, UP/Down for the history
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Mit TAB expandieren?",0 ;Expand with TAB Instead of Ctrl+TAB (in shell mode)
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Doppel-TAB Requester?",0 ;Double TAB requester Display a requester on double tab to select the file by hand
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Requester falls mehrdeutig?",0 ;Request if not unique Show a requester if more than one expansion is possible
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,0,"Vollständig expandieren?",0 ;Expand Fully Do not display a partial expansion, show instead the full one/or the requester
dc.b mc_MenuItem,$59,'T',"Teilpfad durchsuchen?",0 ;Partial Path Expand commands not using the full path, search in the current directory and C: only
dc.b mc_LastItem,0,0 ;Dummy entry
dc.b mc_LastMenu,0,0 ;another dummy: End of Menu (EOM:-)
End: dc.b 0 ;That's it.
; When you arrived here, you're done with the menu. Congratulations...